1. He still sucks his thumb and carries his "B" most places. He's my Little Linus.
2. He uses the words "actually" and "cooperating" and uses them correctly!
3. He knows that if he's sick, he can't go to school. So he says he's sick on the days he doesn't want to go to school.
4. He fake sneezes when he smells candles. And not just a little ah-choo, but a BIG Ah...Ah... .AH.... CHOO!
5. Jon & Kate Plus 8 is one of his favorite shows. He calls the little ones his friends.
6. If Brayden could eat whatever he wanted, it would consist of "chockey" (milk with ovaltine), cookies, cake, chips, pancakes, candy and popsicles.
7. Brayden now knows that fast food isn't good for you and will tell you that he can't eat at McDonald's because "it's not healthy."
8. He likes to sing "Jesus Loves Me" and the theme songs to any Noggin show.
9. He still loves to snuggle and will actually say, "Mommy, I want to snuggle with you."
10. He is very proud of his bike and that his daddy wins races. He wants to race with Shawn every time. Future mountain bike champ???
11. His favorite books are "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?," "We're Going on a Bear Hunt," "I Love You, Mommy Bear," and "Smokey Bear's Touch and Feel Forest."
12. He loves "Clumsy" by Fergie and calls it the "button song."
13. "The Farm" is one of his most favorite places to be (my parents' house) where he helps Grandma bake, drives the tractor with Pa and feeds the horses.
14. Brayden pronounces "gutter" with with New England accent. He says, "guttah" like his great-grandmothers. (It all came from playing Shrek Bowling....long story.)
15. Phrases I hear daily....
"Carry me."
"I want/need you."
"Where are Blake and Ashton?" ("In West Palm Beach.")"I want to go to West Palm Beach!"
"It's too milky!!!" (referring to his milk not having enough ovaltine in it)
"I not going to school?" ("Yes you are.") "I CAAAN'T go to school! I want to stay home with Daaaa-ddy!"
"Why?" (my answer) "Why?" (my answer) "Why?" (my answer)....then finally, "Oh."
I could go on and on. He's just got so much personality now and I love it! I love that he still crawls into bed with us in the middle of the night. I love that he runs up to me when I get home and throws himself at me with open arms. I love that he insist we have what he's having so we're all eating the same thing. I love that I was picked to be his Mommy. Out of all the mommies in the world, he was sent to me and I'm just so blessed. I love you, Brady Bug. More than anything.
Here are some pictures I took of him on Friday to capture who he is. There are sooo many more than what I've posted on here. Go to my facebook page to see all of them. And be sure to watch the slideshow at the end. :)