In exactly one week, I will be in the Windy City for a Children's Ministries conference. For those who don't know, in addition to being a photographer, I am also on the Children's Ministries Team at my church, Trinity United Methodist. The conference is being held at Willow Creek, a GI-NORMOUS church located just outside of Chicago. I'm going with three of my best friends, who also work in children's ministries at Trinity and Celebration UMC. We'll be there for fours days, and are sooo excited about the trip. The only downside is being away from Brayden and Shawn. Although I've gone on trips without Shawn, this will be the first real trip away from my Brady Bug. I've only left him for one night before... how will this feel? At least I'll be with some of my closest friends, who are also leaving their children at home, and we can be there to support each other. Note... some of us may need more support than others, but we'll support each other none the less!
If you have any tips for my trip, leave me a comment! I've been there before, but it's been over 10 years. Gosh... that just made me feel old. :(
I know you'll have a blast!!! Sorry your shoe trip was unsuccessful! :)
So I was talking to my boyfriend's mom this past weekend about hopefully having a photo session with you when she mentioned you might go to our church. And come to find out from reading your blog about Chicago, you do! I hope you have a safe trip and hopefully we'll get to meet when you come back! -McCall
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